Coverage of the competition ceremony (Al-Omran Award) .Which was held on 14th Oct 2023

Coverage of the competition ceremony (Al-Omran Award)
.Which was held on 14th Oct 2023
For the best 6 winners within sector projects (residential, commercial, hospitality) through evaluation of projects and competent jury.

  1. Dr. Venus Suleiman Akef
  2. International designer Kristina Zanic
  3. Mr. Uday Hamoudi Abdullah Saleh

Under the patronage of Mr. Haider Al-Omran, Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ALOMRAN GROUP, prizes were presented to the winners of the competition by:

Deputy Minister of Higher Education
Professor Dr. Haider Abd Dahed President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce

Mr. Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi President of the Al-Furat Al-Awsat University

Professor Dr. Muzaffar Sadiq Al-Zuhairi

In the presence of a group of the most important designers, architects and engineering companies.

It was highlighted the extent of the impact of the competition on the participants in the architectural category, by providing moral support and giving positive motivation to raise the level of Iraqi architecture and providing opportunities and capabilities for advancement and investment at the level of Iraq as a whole.



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